Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Hishamuddin and Raja Nong Chik breaks fast with Pantai Dalam folk

Warm welcome: Hishammuddin and Raja Nong Chik 
being welcomed by Pantai Dalam residents 
for the breaking of fast Wednesday.
Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn and Federal Territories and Urban Well Being Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin took time off to break fast with residents of Pantai Dalam on Wednesday.

Sending two key ministers for an Iftar is a sure sign that the Federal Government is paying a lot of attention to this key urban seat in the capital and judging from the warm reception and the large crowd waiting for them, the people of Pantai Dalam knows a good thing when they see it.

Snatch thieves nabbed in Pantai Bharu

KUALA LUMPUR: Swift action by a van driver who witnessed a snatch theft led police to arrest two suspects within two hours after the incident at Pantai Baru here last Tuesday.

The van driver, upon seeing a 44-year-old woman's handbag snatched by two men on a motorcycle, quickly drove his vehicle and knocked the motorcycle, forcing the two suspects to fall.

"The suspects, a Form Four student and an unemployed 31-year-old, fled on foot, leaving their Yamaha RXZ bike," said Brickfields police chief ACP Wan Abdul Bari Wan Abdul Khalid.

Residents briefed on new Pantai Sewage treatment plant

The Pantai Sewage Works in Pantai Dalam is a key infrastructure element for Kuala Lumpur, processing the raw sewage from thousands of homes and offices in the city and surrounding areas.

It has been a constant eyesore and a source of some discomfort for nearby residence because on rainy days the terrible odour from the sewage treatment ponds would rise and spread to the surrounding residential areas.

The situation may change for the better in the near future as there are now plans to modernise the treatment plant and move it underground, that's right MOVE IT UNDERGROUND.